
Software Engineer

Learn how to design, develop, test, and maintain software applications and systems.

  • 12 weeks I 7 modules I Blended learning
  • Modules

Software Engineer


About the Academy

This Academy is designed for those eager to acquire modern software engineering skills. Participants will master contemporary engineering practices, including Agile methodologies, Test-First approaches, and SOLID principles, to build software products. The curriculum covers the development of APIs, microservices, and cloud-based architectures, employing various programming languages such as Java, C#, and JavaScript.

Academy Modules

Achieve proficiency in key programming languages like JavaScript and C# for creating web applications, data tools, and more.

Become familiar with Agile and DevOps to improve software development’s efficiency and team collaboration.

Master building interactive web and mobile applications with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React Native.

Gain expertise in testing web interfaces and implementing Behaviour-Driven Development using tools like Selenium.

Explore cloud computing with AWS, Azure, and GCP for scalable and flexible solutions.

Understand the intricacies of building and utilising APIs and developing microservice architectures with C#.

Dive into databases, data querying, and pipelines for effective data management.

Enquire Now

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need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂