Say Hello to Chris Allen

Operations Support & Improvement, ITV Data Champion Apprentice

This apprenticeship has enhanced the approach that I take towards projects, particularly data-driven ones and given me tools that improve my data handling.

Part of my role involves driving continuous improvements across our product and our customer service operation, I’ve been able to put forward my learnings to gather insights into friction points within customer journeys for individual contact types that we receive. A major reason for me enrolling on this apprenticeship programme was to hone my delivery of data insights, which my line manager has praised me on improving on since the start of apprenticeship programme.

The online material has been great to work through and the online workshops have been insightful in terms of picking up tricks and tips from other learners. Above all my Learner Success Coach has been super supportive! To anyone considering enrolling on Decoded’s apprenticeship programme, I’d recommend making use of the support that is available at Decoded via your coach and the Decoded Help Centre.

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