Say Hello To Melissa King

Vice President – Compliance Risk Management Officer, Citi Data Champion Apprentice

Since applying for the apprenticeship, I have been able to further develop my skills and experience in data analysis and I’m seeing a real impact on my day to day job, particularly in being able to provide more detailed insights and findings from the data I use as part of my role.

I have also been able to create summary Dashboard reports based on large data sets which has saved a lot of time on the reporting process.

I am really enjoying learning alongside my fellow apprentices, and I value the challenge of applying my new skills to my role by creating portfolio evidence pieces. The one to one coaching I receive is also helping me track my journey and work out key areas of focus.

I would definitely encourage others to apply for the programme – not only is the Data Champion Apprenticeship equipping me with certifications that demonstrate my skills but it has also enabled me to become more confident to apply these skills to reach my goals.

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