Say Hello To Phil Maguire

Head of Sales & Licensing Support, ITV Data Champion Apprentice

This apprenticeship has really accelerated my confidence working with data and leading conversations around data. It has been really exciting to dive into each module and learning new skills which I can instantly call on in my job.

I think that this apprenticeship has changed my behaviour towards data, specifically how I value data, it has made me see the possibilities and opportunities in working with data which I didn’t see before. This apprenticeship has vastly broadened the range of projects that myself and my team lead and has enabled me to collaborate with other colleagues on more data focused projects.

My favourite part of the apprenticeship programme are the workshops. It is great to get the chance to put the learning we have to practice and use the new skills I have gained in the module intros. It brings it all together and it’s nice to be able to give and receive help from other students across different industries.

To anyone considering an apprenticeship programme, definitely consider it, you will be surprised how the range of skills learned on the course can be deployed in so many areas of your work. It challenges your old ways of thinking and you will gain so much in the effort you contribute.

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