AI Engineer L7 Apprenticeship

A practical and skills based programme - focusing on the development of practical Analytical Engineering skills to create and deploy industry ready AI solutions.

  • 18 months (excluding EPA)
  • Fully funded via the apprenticeship levy
  • Open & Closed cohorts available
Data Citizen

Multiple short topics acting as an entry point into the world of data upskilling.

  • Flexible duration
  • 14 modules available
  • Blended learning
Data Foundations

Develop the mindset and technical skills to analyse and interpret data.

  • 6 weeks
  • 4 modules
  • Blended learning
Data Analyst (Python)

Employ statistics, programming and exploratory analysis to create insight-driven data stories and reports.

  • 12-24 weeks
  • 4 modules
  • Blended learning
Data Scientist

Apply machine learning, advanced statistics and analysis to drive predictive analytics and create predictive software.

  • 12-24 weeks
  • 4 modules
  • Blended learning
Data Engineer

Design and build systems for collecting, storing, and analysing data at scale.

  • 16-32 weeks
  • 8 modules
  • Blended learning
Analytics Engineer

Deploy production-ready data science and machine learning solutions to the cloud.

  • 12-21 weeks
  • 7 modules
  • Blended learning
Digital Product Manager

Understand your customers and your market in order to develop leading digital products.

  • 10 weeks or 28 weeks
  • 10 modules
  • Blended learning
Software Engineer

Learn how to design, develop, test, and maintain software applications and systems.

  • 12 weeks
  • 7 modules
  • Blended learning
Data Technician (Champion) L3 Apprenticeship

Enhance your data decision-making skills by mastering popular business tools such as spreadsheets and analysis platforms like Power BI and Tableau.

  • 13 months (excluding EPA)
  • Fully funded via the apprenticeship levy
  • Open & Closed cohorts available

Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about Decoded and how we can help transform your
organisation, we’d love to hear from you.