
Data Decisions

This workshop demonstrates a variety of frameworks, models and metrics that will turn you into a data-informed decision maker.

  • 3.5 hours | in-person or virtual delivery
  • Modules

Data Decisions


About the Session

This workshop explores how to select the right metric, explore experiments if data for predictive models isn’t readily at hand and understand how to balance what technology brings to the table with human capabilities in the decision making process. We use real-world examples from relevant industries to land this in a context that the learners can easily relate to.

Learning Objectives

Introduce the three types of metrics (business, product and diagnostic) used to define actionable data questions in any organisation.

Breakdown the difference between descriptive and predictive data questions.

Champion experimentation and different possible implementations, including A/B testing, Multi-armed Bandits and Painted Door tests.

Introduce the concept of intelligence augmentation (IA) in the context of “buy vs build” business decisions.


By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to…

Define key metrics in their team, business unit or the wider business and identify these metrics as business, product or diagnostic.

Craft actionable descriptive and predictive data questions, using appropriate metrics for a specific business challenge.

Articulate opportunities for experimentation in the business, as well as possible associated risks.

Identify when to buy vs build data-driven solutions, describing key trade-offs.

Enquire Now

Want to find out more? Got a question you can’t find an answer for? Know your teams
need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂