
Data Mindset

Step into the shoes of a Data Scientist to build a common understanding around AI and machine learning and explore the benefits as well as limitations of data technologies.

  • 3.5 hours | in-person or virtual delivery
  • Modules

Data Mindset


About the Session

This workshop builds a common lexicon around the world of data technology and data. Split into two parts, with the first focused on building appreciation for data technology and the second focused on building an understanding of the value this technology can create when looking to build a data informed organisation.

Learning Objectives

Define and distinguish Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science.

Explain how machine learning works at a high level, appreciating its potential as well as some of its limitations.

Introduce precise and testable data questions.

Articulate key data skills and how to foster these within an organisation.


By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to…

Discuss terms including AI, Machine Learning, Data Science in the context of their organisation.

Plan with an awareness of developing data trends.

Ask actionable, data-driven questions.

Assess the data skills needed in your own team or business unit to achieve your objectives.

Enquire Now

Want to find out more? Got a question you can’t find an answer for? Know your teams
need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂