
Hacker Mindset

Learn the dark arts of the cyber criminal to protect yourself and your business – by stepping into the shoes of a hacker, so that you can turn attack into defence.

  • 3.5 hours | in-person or virtual delivery
  • Modules

Hacker Mindset


About the Session

In this workshop, we discuss how with the use of digital technology we are increasingly faced with potential threats. The first section of this workshop explores how most modern technologies involve computers which leaves them vulnerable to hackers. Learners get hands-on by hacking a simulated bank illustrating a common threat vector. In the second section of the workshop we explore how humans are often the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. We conclude the session by discussing how to mitigate risks in the cybersecurity space.

Learning Objectives

Gain insight into the mind of a hacker to understand potential bugs, vulnerabilities, and exploits and to see how the threat landscape is growing in depth and magnitude.

Recognise the ethical implications of a data breach, hack, and poor cybersecurity practices.

Gain insight into how to enhance personal and company cybersecurity.

Recognise how individual cybersecurity builds a company’s overall cybersecurity.


By the end of this workshop, learners will be able to…

Discuss vulnerabilities in cybersecurity and how they can negatively impact your organisation.

Ask deeper, more penetrating questions about security.

Assess the possible vulnerabilities in my team, business unit or area of responsibility.

Plan how I am going to change my day to day behaviour to improve my organisation’s cybersecurity.

Enquire Now

Want to find out more? Got a question you can’t find an answer for? Know your teams
need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂