AI Immersions

ML in Practice

Get hands-on with Machine Learning.

  • 60min | in-person or virtual delivery
  • Modules

ML in Practice


About the Session

Get hands-on experience with Machine Learning (ML), from understanding algorithms to applying them in real-world scenarios. This session highlights the practical aspects of ML, including model training, evaluation, and deployment.

Session Themes

Understanding ML Algorithms:

Overview of common ML algorithms and their business applications.

Hands-on ML Experience:

Practical exercises in training and evaluating ML models using real datasets.

Deployment and Automation:

Strategies for integrating ML models into business processes for automation and insight generation.


Learning Objectives

Algorithm Familiarity:
Understand how dierent ML algorithms are selected and applied to various problems.
Model Training and Evaluation:
Gain experience in training ML models and evaluating their performance.
Real-World Application:
Learn about deploying ML models within an organisational context to drive value and

Enquire Now

Want to find out more? Got a question you can’t find an answer for? Know your teams
need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂