Data Immersions

Data Storytelling

Learn how to translate your data insights into actions or business outcomes.

  • 60min | in-person or virtual delivery
  • Modules

Data Storytelling


About the Session

Learn the crucial skill of data storytelling, where insights are not just discovered but effectively communicated, turning analysis into action and influence across your organisation.

Session Themes

Narrative and Visualisation:

Harness the power of story and visual elements to make data accessible and persuasive.

Engagement and Influence:

Strategies for using data stories to engage stakeholders and drive strategic decisions.

From Insights to Impact:

Transforming data findings into compelling narratives that catalyse action.


Learning Objectives

Crafting Compelling Stories:
Techniques for developing narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.
Visual Literacy:
Skills for creating impactful visualisations that enhance the data story.
Strategic Influence:
Leveraging storytelling to influence decision-making and drive business outcomes.


Enquire Now

Want to find out more? Got a question you can’t find an answer for? Know your teams
need some training but not sure where to start? Leave us your details and we’ll get back to
you 🙂